Thursday, January 9, 2014

Heart Cake Pops

I have never made cake pops. But when I saw these heart shaped cake pops in the family circle magazine I had to give them a try. Now I wouldn't say they were hard but I had some adjustments to make. The first set I did (they were pink I wanted both red and pink) I didn't have my sticks far enough in my cake so they would fall off when I dipped them into the melted chocolate :( Oh well you have to learn some how.  Now I know and I actually think I would like to try my hand at some more cake pops. I need more practice but they are fun!!! So these may not be magazine picture worthy but I had fun with them!!

What you need
Wilton Petite silicone heart pan (Like this one)
lollipop sticks
candy melts (pink and red)
1 prepared cake (I used a marbled cake)
1/2 a can of frosting (I used chocolate)
sprinkles to decorate

What to do
Crumble your cake in a large bowl and mix in the frosting. Use about 1 1/2 tablespoons of cake mix in each heart cavity. Freeze for one hour. Melt a small amount of candy melts, dip your stick into the chocolate than insert it deeply in to your frozen cake heart. Once those are done put back in the freezer on a plate for 30 minutes. Finish melting you chocolates and then dip the hearts in  and decorate. place back on plate and in the refrigerator for another 30 minutes to allow chocolate to harden. ENJOY!!

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